
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

DNR Trail Cleanings

The DNR in Moose Lake has agreed to clean the local trails eight times between July and September. As part of the Active Living Coalitions spring meetings, comments arose surrounding the accessibility and ease of using the trails, especially where the Munger Trail and the ATV trail run parallel.

Members agreed that it was especially hard to bike and rollerblade where the two trails meet because of the gravel and rock “kicked up” by the ATV’s. On other trails, debris like rocks and sticks can also be an annoyance, and a hazard.

Meghann Condit, Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) Coordinator spoke with Joe Alberio at the DNR (Trails and Parks), and he agreed that this was an issue, but that they did not have the funding to clean it more than once or twice per summer.

The Coalition decided to apply in a mini-grant for funding for the DNR to clean the trails (among other items). Members are excited about this initiative, as it makes active living easier and more appealing for residents and visitors traveling on the trails.

If you have questions, please contact Meghann at 218.879.4511.
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