
Monday, October 3, 2011

SHIP Update!

SHIP (Statewide Health Improvement Program) funding ended June 30, 2010. However, since there was unused funding left over from around the state at that time, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) reallocated funding, in the same percentage as the original grant, to all participating Community Health Boards for a “Bridging Period”. This funding was strictly for finishing activities by making everything sustainable, and for final evaluation.

After the government shut-down, and new budget was formed, SHIP was included at a reduced amount for the next biennium, but still funded! MDH decided to create a second bridging period from October-December 2011. During this time, a grant application is to be formed (based on an RFP sent out by MDH), which, if awarded, would fund activities from January 2012-June 2013.

Northeast Minnesota will be applying for this funding, and should find out if they are awarded by December 2011. SHIP may look different, be in different communities, etc.—we do not know all of the details.

Please watch for upcoming details concerning the next Moose Lake Active Living Coalition. The MLALC has been passed as a City Committee, and will be changing slightly. Meeting information will be posted as soon as the date has been set.
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